Clay Cross Active - Contractor Update
Clay Cross Active Update: Last month, the main contractor for the Clay Cross Active development, ISG, filed for administration delaying progress on the project as a new contractor was sourced.
Clay Cross Active Update: Last month, the main contractor for the Clay Cross Active development, ISG, filed for administration delaying progress on the project as a new contractor was sourced.
As Clay Cross Town Deal’s Town Centre Regeneration project progresses, North East Derbyshire District Council is delighted to announce the appointment of Inside Limited as the preferred contractor for the scheme.
As we enter 2024, let’s take a quick look at some of the fantastic progress made on projects of the Clay Cross Town Deal throughout the last year:
North East Derbyshire District Council and the Clay Cross Town Board have made exciting progress with the redevelopment of Clay Cross town centre as part of the £24 million Clay Cross Town Deal and can reveal 3D images of what the new town centre improvements could look like, with residents’ and businesses’ views being sought on the draft plans.
Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angelique Foster has announced plans to develop a new policing base to serve the communities of Clay Cross.
Work has begun on site at Sharley Park Leisure Centre as residents begin to see changes as the £24m transformation into North East Derbyshire District Council’s new Clay Cross Active leisure hub gets underway.
The Government has approved the Clay Cross Town Board and North East Derbyshire District Council’s proposals for four key town centre projects supported by the £24 million Town Fund investment.
As part of the Clay Cross Town Deal, North East Derbyshire District Council has been granted planning permission for a new leisure centre – Clay Cross Active, to be built on the site of the current Sharley Park Leisure Centre in Clay Cross.
North East Derbyshire District Council is committed to improving its leisure services for those who live, work and visit our district.
North East Derbyshire District Council have approved ambitious plans to replace Sharley Park Leisure Centre with a new community hub including leisure centre, health provision and support services.