A key element of the Town Centre Regeneration project will be to make various road and pedestrian improvements, also known as Connection Works.
These planned connection works aim to improve connectivity for pedestrians and vehicle users within the Town Centre. Once confirmed, timings of each phase of the works will be published.
The key improvements are as follows:
- Bridge Street reopening at the junction with Eldon Street, reinstating two-way traffic flow.
- Give way and left hand turn only onto Bridge Street from Eldon Street. Please note Eldon Street/Market Street junction will remain closed.
- New traffic signals at the Bus Hub junction with Bridge St.
- Minor bus stand changes and improvements to Real Time Information. Please note these works are funded by Derbyshire County Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan* and are being carried out parallel to minimise disruption.
- The closure of Market Street between the junctions at Bridge Street and High Street to create a new pedestrianised area. Access only will be maintained for those businesses located to the top of Market Street who have permitted access to loading bays and the rear of the former Nat West Bank building. Buses which currently operate this way will be re-routed along other roads through Clay Cross.
- Bollards to be installed in Market Street car park to prevent a thoroughfare from A61 High Street to Market Street.
- New access from A61 High Street into Market Street car park. The car park will only be accessible from A61 High Street.
* - Derbyshire County Council are undertaking a series of bus improvement works in Clay Cross. For further information, please visit the Travel Derbyshire website.